Echo Hollow

Gender-Bending Interactive Stories! :D

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Implements pronoun forms according to the following table:

Subjective Objective Possessive Adjective Absolute Possessive Reflexive/ Intensive
male he him his his himself
female she her her hers herself
neuter it it its its itself
singular1p I me my mine myself
singular2p you you your yours yourself
plural1p we us our ours ourselves
plural2p you you your yours yourselves
plural3p they them their theirs themselves

FIXME The member functions should also work if passed a Person-type object, but that is currently unimplemented. They also don't do any sanity checking on the args.

You probably won't ever need to use these functions in your game. These functions provide functionality to the grammar macros (see the Macro Library documentation for details). You should use those macros instead.

These are all static.

.youHeSheIt( personOrGender )

Returns the subjective pronoun for the given personOrGender.

.youHimHerIt( personOrGender )

Returns the objective pronoun for the given personOrGender.

.yourHisHerIts( personOrGender )

Returns the possessive adjective pronoun for the given personOrGender.

.yoursHisHersIts( personOrGender )

Returns the absolute possessive pronoun for the given personOrGender.

.yourselfHimselfHerselfItself( personOrGender )

Returns the reflexive/intensive pronoun for the given personOrGender.

smutbook/classes/grammar/pronouns.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/06 20:36 by lee